Summer Fever
I went berry picking on a date the other day. We showed up and farmer Wayne told us that the raspberries we were looking for weren't in season. Which means we got to get as many as we could and it was free. Nailed it.
Eating disorders have their seasons too. I've learned that summer months are by far the ripest for me. I don't have as much stress on my plate when it comes to responsibilities. Instead I feel like I'm in a constant panic that someone is going to invite me to a pool party or something of the sorts. I have this fear that I won't be prepared when the invite arrives.
This summer I changed up my recovery team and am working on going different routes with recovery. So far, I think it's working. Group therapy was really hard. This new therapist is doing completely different approaches. I'm slowly starting to have faith that one day I'll be able to eat a donut and not have to "make up for it". I'm so excited for that day.
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